At TEAMS Athletic Association, we have a new vision for youth sports.


Our mission is simple – to provide an opportunity for children to play sports for their school, fostering school spirit and a sense of community.

Our Story

There are too many young students that do not have the opportunity to play sports for their school in our area. To help solve this, we have hired Athletic Directors, Coaches, Teachers, and Administrators to help us meet this need for our students. The Elementary and Middle School Athletic Association (TEAMS AA) provides an opportunity for students and schools to play each other locally by providing registrations, field usage, equipment and communication.

We run the league, so the schools can concentrate on educating our students. We take the burden off of the schools by streamlining the process, so everyone can enjoy athletics. To go a step further, we award student scholarships and give back to the school. We are members of Partners in Education for Orange County Public Schools, which allows us to work with each school for their individual athletic equipment needs. We feel that elementary and middle schools should benefit from their students registering to play sports for their school. To achieve this, we make sure that the school is rewarded for their students’ participation.

Company Story:

We all know how valuable sports are within our community. In 2013, a young five-year-old kindergartener wanted to play sports and his dad tried to sign him up numerous times to no avail. The reasons were many and included registration deadlines, too many on the roster, or we simply don’t have enough kids. The dad quickly realized that several parents had similar stories. After the child’s first season was cancelled and the disappointment the child showed, the dad decided to reduce his engineering work and created a league for the child to play in…the very next day. This father wasn’t given the opportunity to play sports growing up, so this was a formula for a passionate company to be built upon. 

After a surprisingly successful first season, we were asked to work with a local school that didn’t have an elementary athletic program and we grew from a single season to a four season sports league with a summer camp at multiple schools. We are very fortunate to have a team of schools that trusted us to provide an elite sports league full of individuals that simply care about providing athletic opportunities to students.

After hearing about some of the difficulties schools have in obtaining sports equipment, we started our donation list and goals for each school. Creating funds for the school to have easily obtainable resources for a better athletic experience, enhances their overall educational experience as well.

Now the formula is complete and we have been giving back since year one at our first school which include bleachers, footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, nets, pitching machines, and even monetary gifts written to the elementary school athletic department. We’ve hired administrators, teachers, athletic directors, PE coaches, graduating students, UCF interns among others to help us reach our goal. We have also had countless volunteers that believe in our mission and in turn, made it their mission. We would not have positively affected thousands of students’ lives without all of their help. We feel that there are simply too many schools in the area for students to not be playing each other. The benefits are immeasurable and will help support school athletics, build school spirit, increase confidence, create new in-school relationships and be another tool to help build complete character for our future.